Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Future Tense?!

This is going to be my big long post about the future of my lifetime and beyond; who knows where this is going to go.

When it comes to the future of my current lifetime, I want to be hopeful. I want to hope that people will start caring about things that are affecting the planet, and that we can all work together to try and expand humanity's reach into the stars and beyond. I have a huge hope for expanding into the universe, at least just a little bit more beyond the moon in my lifetime, or even establishing some sort of contact or visual conformation of another living species in the universe. The thought of having that sort of thing happen in my lifetime is so thrilling, and it's something I desperately want to see! I can only hope that our world won't be horrifically torn apart by more strife and idiotic dealings between overgrown toddlers that don't want to play nice or bother to help one another through issues that are affecting both parties. In my own lifetime, I would also like people to be accepting of one another without resorting to violence or hurting one another, but I think that's probably a pipe dream.

With the future far beyond my lifetime, I can only hope that at that point we've established some sort of peaceful society that has a nice, reasonable form of living without being horribly destructive to both the planet and various cultures, and that we've extended our reach beyond just Earth, and even our own galaxy, and that we've embedded ourselves into other life-form's cultures, or even evolved to a point of having different types of humans for other planets. This is all just hypothetical, though, as I know that that would take hundreds, even thousands, of years before something like that would happen. The best I can hope for is that strife is dealt with in a less destructive manner, and that people can help settle their differences without killing one another or having hate marches-- I just want people to be able to exist and be who they are without fear of being killed out of the fear of someone being different.

1 comment:

  1. It was honestly so refreshing to read your blogpost. I often get myself to a place where I'm almost constantly in a negative mind set. The current state of how people are treating each other and the planet doesn't help. But this was so pleasant to read. I really hope you're right about where we're going.
